Monday, August 3, 2009

New the end of Argentina trip

The days of the $10 Fillet Mignon are coming to a end. It has been a great trip and great experience to live in another country. Learning how others do things and live is quite an experience. I now understand why so many people what to travel to the US. Though far from perfect it has it's advantages.

Some of the lessons that we learned:
You don't need as much stuff
You don't need a car
Speaking to cab drivers in another language is fun
You can use public transit,
A 100yr old subway train works as good as a new one and more fun
Remember that 2 ton cars aways have the right of way, same goes for 300 lbs scooter
You can get by anywhere
You don't need a 3000 ft house 600 ft is fine
People are just people
You can make friend anywhere if you want to
Washing dishes by hand is just as easy and time saving as a dishwasher and you save electricity
Quite is a luxury in many places
It is great to shop for your food everyday
Getting drinking water from a tap is a luxury
Only take 1/2 of what you want to. you don't need the rest
Slow down the rest of the world is not in a hurry like we are (excluding bus drivers)
You don't need a TV, a huge brain and time drain
Reading is a great option
Bidets are great
plastic bags work as well as glad wrap without the cost
Feeling at home in another country is really great
You can get a lot of work done in a foreign country
Have fun, do it all life is short, just go

Jeff and Marie 08/2009
Buenos Aires